Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 – Day 4
Day by day, fashion week events were like a feast for fashion-savvy eyes.
Day by day, fashion week events were like a feast for fashion-savvy eyes.
In timp ce vremea ne imbie cu temperaturi de primavara, stropi de ploaie, apoi soare, mi-am gasit inspiratia in outfit-uri ultra feminine. Parca pluteste in zare si un aer romantic, deosebit, care imi place.
Se pare ca am facut o noua obsesie vestimentara: ador rochia camasa!
We’re all over overalls and it’s clear that this item is one of the major trend of this season.
It’s that time of year again, when flowers bloom and color the streets. Get outside and enjoy the beautiful spring sunshine!
I love the cozy accessories and the oversized scarf is one of my favorite item this season.
Hello, am revenit cu o noua postare despre activitatile mele. Am scris mai rar in ultima perioada (din anumite motive), dar cu toate astea, n-am avut timp prea mult de plictiseala. Ar fi fost bine.