The snake print jumpsuit
The jumpsuit is the chicest outfit that has made its way into my summer wardrobe. It’s an item that look extremely flattering on most ladies, so here I am presenting today’s favorite.
The jumpsuit is the chicest outfit that has made its way into my summer wardrobe. It’s an item that look extremely flattering on most ladies, so here I am presenting today’s favorite.
Se pare ca am facut o noua obsesie vestimentara: ador rochia camasa!
I love the cozy accessories and the oversized scarf is one of my favorite item this season.
Hello, am revenit cu o noua postare despre activitatile mele. Am scris mai rar in ultima perioada (din anumite motive), dar cu toate astea, n-am avut timp prea mult de plictiseala. Ar fi fost bine.
Bine v-am regasit pe blog cu un nou look. Intr-un final, am revenit cu o postare noua de street style. Este o zi frumoasa. Este luni si e insorit. Unii se bucura, altii nu.
Hello, bine v-am regasit si sper ca aveti parte de un inceput de saptamana minunat! Astazi am revenit cu o postare speciala, un outfit calduros si colorat!
Hello, bine v-am regasit pe blog! Dupa o scurta pauza, am revenit cu prima postare din luna Noiembrie.