Milan Fashion Week FW17/18 Day #2
After five crazy days spent at Milan, I’m back home. I’m finally in my beloved bedroom, but still dreaming at that wonderful atmosphere.
After five crazy days spent at Milan, I’m back home. I’m finally in my beloved bedroom, but still dreaming at that wonderful atmosphere.
After I showed you a glimpse with the new beautiful jewelries from Pandora, it’s time to reveal more about this amazing concept.
Delicata, feminina si extrem de eleganta, rochia din dantela este in centrul atentiei si vara aceasta. Ce-i drept, eu am slabiciune pentru ea si as purta-o in fiecare zi, pentru ca este un outfit in care ma simt foarte bine.
Summer dressing may be one of the easiest things when you have to choose from so many beautiful things as the funky t-shirts, so stylish and easy to match.
Camasa din denim a devenit una dintre piesele vestimentare basic din garderoba mea. Este foarte versatila, comoda si usor de purtat in nenumarate combinatii.